Life with God is a journey (and a destination)


If only following God were as peaceful and straightforward as the path in the picture above. Maybe it is for some people. Maybe everyone has at least brief periods of time like this? I hope so.

For me, frankly, the journey often feels more like the picture below.


But all hope is not lost. Don’t despair. I’m not.

God in his wisdom and kindness has provided a path. Its called the Way of the Lord.

The Ancient Hebrews discovered this path in their practical and spiritual journey with God. Woven through the writings of history, poetry, and prophecy we know as the bible, they left behind a map and a path and a journey. This blog is all about exploring and experiencing the Way of the Lord in our lives today.

Their experience was not easy, not pain free, not error free – just like us. But the loving God of Creation patiently and persistently lead them, spoke to them and worked out his good purpose through them.

So take heart:

There is a way through the chaos.

There is hope for reaching a destination worth the trials and effort of the journey.

There is a path we can follow that gets us back home, with him, where we belong.

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